Friday, February 10, 2012

I'm told that it's a good idea to have goals.

It's supposed to give you something concrete to work towards. So alright then. Let's make some goals.

  • Drink Less Soda/ Drink More Water: I've actually been working on this one for a few years now. Back in '09, I was drinking between four and six 32 ounce sodas a day. I don't know how my teeth didn't rot right out of my head. I managed to get away from that by substituting unsweetened tea for my sodas and it works pretty well, except those rare occasions that drinking a coke seems like a must. Lately though, I've been back on a soda kick and I'd like to kick the habit for good and up my water intake. Tea is good, but I need to focus on more water too.
  • Pack Food for Work: This is a big one actually. I work shift work on a rotating schedule and it makes it difficult sometimes to eat like I should. It's much quicker to just grab a burger and fries while I'm there rather than take the time beforehand to prepare something to bring with me, especially when I'm working the midnight shift. I need to get better about this.
  • Exercise 5 Times a Week: I don't have access to a fancy gym or anything like that, but this is still doable. I dug out my old Wii Fit balance board, I bought a Women's Fitness book and I'd like to start riding my bike, as long as weather permits. I don't have to break records, I just have to get moving. 
These are small changes. Nothing huge, but if I can stick to these, then I can make the changes I want to make. 

Well alrighty then. Let's do this. 

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