Friday, February 10, 2012


Salutations, and all that other fun stuff. I think this is probably my 9 millionth blogging attempt, so it's quite possible that by this time tomorrow, this blog will be abandoned along with all the others.

Let's hope not.

I suppose an introduction is in order.

My name is Brittany, but I loathe being called that. I'll answer to Britt, Liz, Hey Asshole... pretty much anything other than my full given name. For all intents and purposes of this blog, I shall henceforth be known as Chunky Lady or ~CL for short. It has a nicer ring than Hey Asshole.

I'm a twenty-something, slightly overweight young woman and I decided to start a blog to chronicle (that's such a fun word) my journey into the weight loss world. I'm not an active person; on a few occasions, I've given running a shot but it's never been something I've been able to stick with and I'm going to try to change that.

I'm probably the world's pickiest eater, which has always made healthy eating a challenge. I've just never been able to find things that are healthy and taste good. You probably won't find a whole lot of original recipes here because cooking and creating really just isn't my thing, but I will share recipes and workout tips that I've found online.

I don't have much to lose, but I want this journey to be about more than just dropping numbers on a scale. I want to tone, I want to rebuild my body, and more importantly, I want to learn to feel good about myself.

I'll be twenty-six in a few weeks. At this point, I'm already past the midway point of my twenties and dammit, I'm going out looking better than I could have ever imagined coming in.

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