Wednesday, February 22, 2012


This has been a weird and not-so-good week already. Not on the health front for me, but for my mom, though that's something I'm not going to get in to right now.

I'm in to week 2 of the P90X, and so far so good. I didn't complete Plyo today, which is a little discouraging but I just wasn't feeling it. I did 30 minutes of the 60, and I guess I'll just have to look at it this way: 30 minutes is better than 0.

Tomorrow I've got shoulders and arms plus the Ab Ripper X, as well as my weigh in. I'm a little concerned about that but I'm taking this one day at a time.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Kenpo is fun!

Just completed Day 6 and the first full week of the P90X. Hell yes.

Kenpo is pretty fun. I'm hot as crap and I'm sure that 30 mins into my midnight shift I'm going to kick my own ass for doing this tonight instead of this morning before sleep, but whatever. Tomorrow is an optional rest day or X Stretch... I'll probably do the stretching to see what that's all about, but yes. I'm proud of myself for sticking with it this week, especially with my schedule.

1 week down. 12 to go.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Maybe I can do this after all... (Also Known As: P90X Day 5)

I meant to update earlier, immediately after working out as per usual, but I'm on the midnight shift at work and by the time I finished, I was wrecked so I crawled into bed and died until it was time to go be social.

Today was Legs and Back plus Ab Ripper X and to be honest, it went much better than I was expecting. It went so well, in fact, that I actually wondered if I did the exercises wrong because I could walk when I was done.

Tomorrow is Kenpo X, but I might sleep first and exercise later, depending on how I'm feeling when I get off in the morning, but I'm moving right along and so far, I'm actually pretty pleased with how it's going.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Yoga still gets the best of me.

This morning, I did 30 minutes. Tonight, I added 15 more. I still haven't finished the DVD, but it's difficult because a.) no flexibility and b.) I can't even see the screen from some of the poses.

I will not give up though. The DVD has won this battle, but the war is not over yet.

Screw you, Yoga.

P90X day 4 has beaten me. I will have to try again next week on that. But for now, I sleep.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I'm just posting away tonight.

Gross, ugly sobbing over here people. I'm telling you, if you want to start the P90X and haven't done it before, do not research the different DVDs beforehand. Sonofabitch, why do I keep doing this?

I decided to research the Yoga DVD, to see what I'd be getting into tomorrow after working midnights tonight.


90 minutes of Yoga tomorrow after working all night.

Midnights are going to be the real issue here, in trying to stick with this program, but I'm going to try to leave tomorrow at 7, do yoga from 7-8:30 and then crash.



Recipe Sharing Time: Healthy Pumpkin Oatmeal Shake

I discovered this shake around this time last year from this great website called Skinny Taste. This was back when I decided to give Weight Watchers a shot and I was trying to find something to fix that was quick in the mornings for breakfast.

This is actually listed under her breakfast recipes, but I generally fix it for a quick snack.

Healthy Pumpkin Oatmeal Shake

I thought about actually typing the recipe up here with a link at the bottom, but decided against it. Just go on over to the site linked above and check it out.

It's worth it.

Holy Mother of God (Also Known As: P90X Day Three)

So since I could barely walk today, I was a little concerned about completing Day 3. Today was Shoulders + Arms plus the Ab Ripper X. Yeah.

The shoulders and arms were not bad at all. I'm still pretty sore up there from the Chest and Back, plus Ab Ripper on Tuesday, but as soon as I started, I kind of forgot the pain and just went with it. I was actually looking forward to this workout though because my upper arms are one of my trouble spots. I don't even like wearing short sleeved shirts because I feel like my arms are so jiggly, so anything to help with that is a plus in my book.

I am sad to report, however, that I did not make it all the way through the Ab Ripper X. I had about five minutes left and I seriously could not. I felt like I was going throw up because it was hurting so bad, so rather than take a chance of seriously hurting myself or pulling something, I stopped for the day. I kind of feel like a failure, but I'll make it up on Saturday.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with how this is going. I'm not setting the world on fire and God knows I'm not setting records, but I'm incredibly out of shape anyway, so just doing this is a big accomplishment as far as I'm concerned.

I am looking forward to the day, however, when I can get through everything. It'll come though.

And now I'm off to meet my mom, so. Laters.

Weigh In Day.

In the past when I've tried to diet, I would obsess and weigh myself every single day. Which, as you can imagine, is not the best idea in the world because I would get discouraged when I didn't magically drop 9 million pounds in one day. This time around, I'm having weigh-ins once a week, on Thursdays.

I'm down 1.6 lbs from last week, which doesn't seem like much but my goal is 1.5 lbs a week, so I'm pretty happy.

Also, this is my one week anniversary with Lose It! even though I didn't technically start logging things until Saturday last week. I normally don't stick with these things past two days.

Today is also Day 3 of the P90X, which should prove to be hysterical because I cannot walk today. Seriously. I'm walking on my toes because it's murder to put my feet all the way down, and my upper body still hurts from Tuesday. Today's DVDs are Shoulders and Arms plus the Ab Ripper, so. We shall see. I'll update later.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Jesus H. Christ, I want to die. (Also known as: P90X Day 2)


First of all, let me say this. If you've never done the P90X before, do not research Plyometrics beforehand. I did and freaked the hell out of myself, so I've literally been dreading this all day.

It was not that bad.

Except by not that bad, I mean it was really intense and kind of brutal, but I didn't die or anything, so. There's that.

For those who don't know (and I did not) Plyometrics is jump training. Meaning your ass never stops moving for an hour.

Allow me to repeat myself: Jesus H. Christ.

But you know what the best part is? Every report I've read on the P90X said Plyo is THE most difficult DVD of the set and you know what?

I got through it.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I consider this a personal victory.

There were french fries for dinner.

I did not partake.

Heck yeah. To reward myself, I think I'll have a piece of Valentines candy a little later.

What the hell was I thinking? (Also Known As: P90X Day 1)

I've been wanting to do the P90X for awhile now, but I never knew if the program was right for me because I never even finished the 30 Day Shred. I mean, if I can't do 30 days worth of exercising, what the hell makes me think I can do 90, right?

Whatever. I'm not going to let past failures dictate what I do now.

To be honest, Day 1 was difficult. I've never been very good at push-ups and a lot of today's exercises were various types of that evil exercise so I felt a bit like a loser for not being able to keep up, but this is what I'm working towards.

I'm not going to be able to do everything immediately, but the important part is keeping at it. Eventually, I'll get there.

In food news, I've done a terrible job today. I woke up lateish and had breakfast (oatmeal with a little bit of agave nectar for taste; yummy, by the way), but because I was so late, I skipped lunch.

We're fixing a special dinner of steak and shrimp tonight for Valentines, but I think they're fixing french fries too so Lord give me the strength to resist. I'm having string beans with mine though, so hopefully the temptation to indulge won't be too over the top.

Things are really going well so far. I'm almost a full week in to using Lose It! and it really hasn't been as challenging as I was afraid it would be. Midnight shift is coming up soon though, and that's always a challenge, but I think I can handle it.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Story Time with ~CL.

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful little princess named Annabel Lee.

This story isn't about her though. In fact, this story has nothing to do with Annabel at all. This is actually a story about a chunky, unattractive kid named ~CL.

Sometimes I worry I'm doing this blogging thing wrong.

Most of the blogs I've come across have been full of entertaining little stories relevant to said blog. Mine's mostly full of awkward ramblings about my day's eating activities.

Not exactly ground breaking stuff, but ah well.

Today has been another pretty good day, except I got a little confused while I was out getting lunch. I know that the easiest thing to do would be to fix my own lunch, but sometimes, it's not an option. So I went out today, and trying to figure out the calories in my lunch was a pain in the ass, so I hope I was close to being accurate.

I still haven't added exercise into my routine yet, but I'm supposed to be getting the P90X DVDs from a friend tonight so I'm hoping to start that tomorrow, as I'll have a full day off from work.

I really am feeling good about this. I just need to remind myself that it took me years to get my body to the point it is now. It's not all going to come off in a matter of days.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

So far, so good.

Granted, we're only into the second actual day of the Lose It! program, but I haven't murdered anyone for a slice of pizza yet.

I've found it helps if I plan out what I'm going to eat first thing in the morning. It gives me an idea of what I can have and it takes away and possible last minute terrible decisions. I knew I wasn't going to be able to bring dinner tonight, but based on what I had left, I was able to decide where the best place to go would be.

Another added benefit of planning my food early is that it gives me time to really decide if I want something. After logging breakfast and lunch, I had enough calories left over to have a sandwich and a small order of french fries for dinner. But the longer I thought about it, the more I realized that I didn't really want the fries, so I took them off of the log and now I have plenty of calories left over for a sweet snack later on if I want.

Yesterday was a little rough, because I felt like I was hungry all day. I don't know if it's because I skipped breakfast and didn't eat the kind of junk that I usually ate, but I keep telling myself if I can just get through this first week, it'll get easier.

I can do this.