Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Jesus H. Christ, I want to die. (Also known as: P90X Day 2)


First of all, let me say this. If you've never done the P90X before, do not research Plyometrics beforehand. I did and freaked the hell out of myself, so I've literally been dreading this all day.

It was not that bad.

Except by not that bad, I mean it was really intense and kind of brutal, but I didn't die or anything, so. There's that.

For those who don't know (and I did not) Plyometrics is jump training. Meaning your ass never stops moving for an hour.

Allow me to repeat myself: Jesus H. Christ.

But you know what the best part is? Every report I've read on the P90X said Plyo is THE most difficult DVD of the set and you know what?

I got through it.

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