Thursday, February 16, 2012

Holy Mother of God (Also Known As: P90X Day Three)

So since I could barely walk today, I was a little concerned about completing Day 3. Today was Shoulders + Arms plus the Ab Ripper X. Yeah.

The shoulders and arms were not bad at all. I'm still pretty sore up there from the Chest and Back, plus Ab Ripper on Tuesday, but as soon as I started, I kind of forgot the pain and just went with it. I was actually looking forward to this workout though because my upper arms are one of my trouble spots. I don't even like wearing short sleeved shirts because I feel like my arms are so jiggly, so anything to help with that is a plus in my book.

I am sad to report, however, that I did not make it all the way through the Ab Ripper X. I had about five minutes left and I seriously could not. I felt like I was going throw up because it was hurting so bad, so rather than take a chance of seriously hurting myself or pulling something, I stopped for the day. I kind of feel like a failure, but I'll make it up on Saturday.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with how this is going. I'm not setting the world on fire and God knows I'm not setting records, but I'm incredibly out of shape anyway, so just doing this is a big accomplishment as far as I'm concerned.

I am looking forward to the day, however, when I can get through everything. It'll come though.

And now I'm off to meet my mom, so. Laters.

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